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Renaming Flows

Renaming flows helps keep your workflows organized and easy to identify. Whether updating a flow’s name to reflect its current purpose or aligning with naming conventions, the process is quick and straightforward in Flow Manager.

How to Rename a Flow

  1. Open the Flow Manager interface.
  2. Locate the flow you want to rename and click the hanburger icon ☰ next to the flow name.
  3. Click the Rename Flow menu option.
  4. Enter the new name in the Rename Flow popup and ensure it’s unique within your workspace. Flow Manager will notify you if there’s a conflict.
  5. Save your changes, and the new name will update instantly.

Tips for Naming Flows

  • Be Descriptive: Use names that clearly reflect the flow’s purpose or functionality.
  • Keep it Consistent: Follow any naming conventions your team or project uses.
  • Include Versioning: If applicable, add version information to differentiate iterations.
  • Keep it Concise: Avoid overly long names for better readability.

By keeping your flow names clear and organized, you make it easier to manage workflows and collaborate effectively in FlowRunner™.